Visual Basic (Full Theroy)

 Visual Basic (VB)

Visual Basic

Introduction/What is Visual basic: - 

Visual Basic is a general programming language created from the previous DOS rendition called essential. Through VB.NET is the latest technology introduced by Microsoft. 

VB is a tool that allow you to develop window GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. Applications that reside one the client or serval or operate in a attributes n-her environment VB 6.0 is the rapid application. Development (RAD) tool available either as a stand – alone product or a part of the VB tools. 

VB is event – driven programming language means that code remains idle until called upon to respond to some event (button passing, menu selection). VB is procured by an event procedure. So nothing happens until an event deleted. Now VB is converted into VB.NET with the how featured including the. NET framework and education Institutes University and S/W development companies high grated widely learned and toque. 

Visual Basic quite easier than other programming language such or C++, C#, JAVA etc. This is because visual basic(VB) enables the user to work in a graphical user interface where you can just drag and drop controls that you want to write with where you have to write with where you have to write very large code to create in C++ or C# or every in Java. 

VB 6.0 offers you more internal programming jobs easier more wizard, VB lets you add menu, test boxes , command button, option button (for making exclusive choice ), Checked (for non – exclusive choice ) Textbox , scroll bars and file and directory boxes to blank windows. You can use grids to handle tabular data. 

You can communicate with other application. Running under windows, using the most modern version of Microsoft COM/OLE (Component Object Model/Object linking and Enabled) you can communicate with other application and access data baser. For long time there was few such tools for developing windows apps. Before VB was introduced in 1991. Developing DOS application. 

Developing a windows application required expert c programmers and tune reads of timer of codes for the simple tasks. 

Edition of VB 6.0 

1) Leaning:- 

Consists of all leaning and all necessary tools required to build main stream windows applications, which is the mast basic addition. This addition a wones you to write many different types you of programs. But tocks a numbers of tools that that the other edition have. 

2) Professional :- 

Includes advanced feature such or tools to develop ActiveX and internet controls. Designed for professionals. This edition contains all that the learning edition contains and more such as captivity to write ActiveX controls and documents.

1  3)  Enterprise:-

       In addition to all professional feature, it also include tools such or visual SourceSafe and the automation and component manager. Which is the most complete V3 elution this edition is targeted toward professional programmers who. May work in the team and include additions tools such or V3 source code a version control system the coordinate team programming.  

Feature of Visual Basic

 Form design 
 Create user interface using design tools.
 And drowning to the form.
 Set properties for the singular item on the structure.
 Build an executable file.
 Examine the object in the form.
 Debug the application.
 Work with data in the program (ODBC)
 Add greater usefulness to the program by composing code.
 Create crystal report



               The integrated development environment (IDE). IDE is a tern commonly used in the programming world to describe the interface and environment that we use to create our applications. It is called integrated because we can access virtually all of the development tools that we need form one screen called on interface. The IDE is also commonly referred to as the design environment of the program.

The VB IDE is made up of a no of components.

v   1. Menu bar
2. Tools bar
3. Project explorer
4. Properties window
5. Form layout window
6. Tool box
7. Form designer
8. Object Browser
9. Code Windows

1. Menu bar:-

File, Edit, View, Project format, Debug, Run, Tools, add-ins windows, Help

The menu bar display the commands that are required to build an application, the main menu items have sub menu items that can be chooser when required. 

Toolbars in the menu bar provides quick access to commonly used command a button in the toolbars is clicked once to carry out the action represented by at.

2. Tool bar:-

The toolbox contains a set of controls that are used to place on a form at design time there by creating the user interface area.

 Additional control can be included in the toolbox by using the components menu item on the project menu. Or using shortcut key (Ctrl+T). At appears in the left corner/side of VB IDE or on the screen.

Toolbox consist commonly control that’s are- pointer, picture box, label, frame, command button, checkbox, option button, combo box, list box, horizontal, scrollbar vertical scrollbar, timer, drive list box, Directory list box, file list box, shapes, liner, image box, data tool, OLE etc. 

3. The project explorer:-

Appear/Docked on the right side of the screen just under the toolbox, is the project explorer windows. The various elements of the projects namely form classes and modules. All of the object that make up the application are packed in the project explorer windows. A simple project will contains one form, which is a windows that is designed or a part of a programs interface. The project explore windows also lists code modular and classes.

Project explorer consists of:-

  • View code 
  • View object 
  • View form
  • Toggle folder
  •  Project Name 
  •  Form Folder 
  •  Form Module 

4.Properties windows:-

The properties windows appear/docked under the project explorer windows. The properties windows explorer the various characteristics of selected objects. Each and every form in an application is considered an object now, each object in VB has characteristics such as color and size. All these characteristics on an object are called its properties. In this manner a structure has properties and any controls put on it will have properties as well. All of these properties displayed in the properties windows.

5. Form Layout Windows:-

It shows where (upon program execution) your form will be displayed relative to your monitors screen.

7. Form designer:-

The structure fashioner shows the ongoing structure under plan. You can place control into a form simply by drawing them after clicking the corresponding controls tool in the toolbox. 

 The “code windows” displays the code for the controls (command button) command-click () procedure.

8. Object Browser:-

The object browser allows as to browse through the various properties, events and methods that are mode available to us. It is accepted by selectable object browser from the view menu or pressing the key F2. The left column of the object Browser lists the objects and classes that are available in the projects that are opened and the controls have been referenced in them.

**Immediate windows:-

Immediate windows is a great place for you to modify data or to test the function during development. You can enter valid expression in the immediate windows and VB will execute it. However object referenced outside the scope of current code execution code exaction will generate on error. 

 **Local windows:-

Enables you to see the value of every variable and each member of all the object which are in current scope.

**Watch windows:-

Enables you to monitor the value for a curtain state. You might want that program execution to pause on an instruction that sets a certain duet. You might want to set watch expressing that cause VB to break when a variable changes its values or when an expression value us TRUE.

9. Form designer and code windows:-

The structure fashioner shows the ongoing structure under plan. You can place control into a form simply by drawing them after clicking the corresponding controls tool in the toolbox. 

 The “code windows” displays the code for the controls (command button) command-click () procedure.

Ø  Displaying the debug edit and form editor toolbar:-

     If you to add above toolbar with the tools bar submenu of the visual basic view menu-just click the new toolbar you want to add.

Ø  The debug toolbar her the following buttons.


                              Buttons. Debug Menu                                                Edit. Toolbar button

Ø      Start

Ø  List properties/ method

Ø      Break

Ø  List constants

Ø      End

Ø  Quick info 

Ø      Toggle breakpoint

Ø  Programmer info

Ø      Step info

Ø  Complete word

Ø      Step over

Ø  Indent

Ø      Step out

Ø  Out end

Ø      Local windows

Ø  Toggle breakpoint

Ø      Immediate windows

Ø  Comment breakpoint

Ø      Watch windows

Ø  Uncomment block

Ø      Quick watch

Ø  Toggle bookmark

Ø      Call stack

Ø  Next bookmark


Ø  Previous bookmark


Ø  Clear all bookmark


Mapping Project

  Ø      Concept of project.

  Ø      Creating the project.

  Ø      Opening, Renaming and saving project.

   Concept of project:-

    VB support following project type or project template. When we start visual program the first screen appear new project windows to select project type which user want to design and develop. The project appear in windows is called project template

  •     Standard Exe.
  •      ActiveX Exe
  •     ActiveX DLL
  •     ActiveX control
  •     DHTML Application
  •     VB enterprises edition control
  •     VB Application wizard
  •     VB wizard manager
  •     ActiveX Decrement DLL
  •    ActiveX Decrement Exe
  •     Data project
  •     IIS Application

VB project basically consists of three parts.

  1. User interface.
  2.  Processing of information.
  3. Storage of information.

         User interface:-

        => The user interface is the part of the program that your user see and with which they interact. The us is composed of the screen you designed by VB form and controls.

         Processing of information:-

        => The processing of information is done by the set of student written to add functionality to the object.

         The storage of information:-

        => It is generally any backed database which is connected to front by any of the standard data control or through designer.  

Short notes of project file/project templates

     Standard Exe:-

        => It is a typical application. It is most commonly used application for mini project.

    ActiveX Exe/ActiveX DLL:-

        => Available with professional edition.  ActiveX component are basic code building elements that don’t have a visible interface and that can add functionality to your application.

    ActiveX control:-

        => Used to developed your own ActiveX control. It is a basic element of the user interface. If the ActiveX control that comes with VB don’t provide the required functionality then custom ActiveX can be build.

    VB application wizard, VB wizard manager:-

        => The application wizard takes through takes through the step of setting up the Skelton of new application like a templates in any MS-Office component while basic structure are readily available and changes can be made defending the need.

è     ActiveX Document DLL, ActiveX Document Exe:-

        => ActiveX document DLL are in essential. VB applications that can run in the environment of a contains that support hyperlink.  

è     IIS Application:-

        => It allow to build application that web server and interact with clients over the internal with internal information server.

è     VB enterprises edition controls:-

        => It simply creates a new standard Exe project and loads all the tools of the enterprise editions.

è     Adin:-

        => Own Add ins can be create for the VB IDE. Add ins are special commands that can be added to VB menu.   


The module which are available in VB project to perform the above three takes means that VI, processing of information and storage for information.

* Form module:-

=> It controls the graphic elements of the VB application along with the instruction.

* General module:-

=> It contains the general purpose interactions of not pertaining to anything graphics on screen.

* Class module:-

=> It contains the principal traits of a class, including its properties and techniques.

* Global modules:-

=> It contains declaration and produces.

* Resource File:-

=> It allows you to collect all the tests and bitmap for an application in one placed when you start VB for the first time project wizard will be opened and following project template will be displayed as describe previously. 

* Some Technique Terms That Will Be Used In the Development of VB Project Very Often 

⚛ Controls:-

=> Revisable object that provides the pacer of the visual interface of a program. Example of controls are textbox, command button, cable pic-box, image etc.

⚛ Events:-

=> An action initialized by the user, the OS, or the program system. Example of events are a keystroke (key up, key down, prier), a mouse click. The expiration of a specified amount of time or the recite of data from a part. 

⚛ Method:-

=> Predefined action that can be performed by an object for example. A form has a hackle method that makes at invisible to the user. 

⚛ Object:-

=> A basic elements of a program, which contains properties to define its characteristics, contains method to define it tools and recognizer events to which it can respond. Controls and forms are example of object used in VB.

⚛ Procedure:-

=> Segment of code that you write to a complies a task. Procedure are after written to respond to a specific events. Types of procedure includes sub procedure events procedure, and function procedure which returns a value and which consists of sequence of statements.

⚛ Properties:-

 => The characteristics of an object, such as its size, position, color name, or text font. Properties determiner the appearance and sometimes the behavior of an object, properties are also used to provides data to an object and retrieve information from the object.

**************Visual Basic full Tutorial in Hindi*************

                            **Author Name- legendHacker**

   **Writter Name- Aarju Alam ðŸ‘ˆFull Details (Owner/Author Friend)**


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