What is Data Abstraction (C++)


What is Data Abstraction in C++

• What is Data Abstraction.

=>  Data abstraction is a tactic in which the must important property are selected, it is the basic building blog of class. Abstraction refence to the acts of represting incisal features without including back gram deities or exclamation.

There are two type of data abstraction.

1. Generalization

2. Specialization    

1. What is Generalization: -

=> Generalization is the viewing of data of entities from higher level to the lower level. It means first to design a model of university. First it is view university when the university is divided in to college and college is divided into different course.

2. What is Specialization: - 

=> Specialization is Just reverse of generalization it is viewing as lower level to higher level. A student have followed following property Such as name, age, marks, address, height, Color etc. from some pecopteris name, age roll no, marks are important so that this property will be selected first rest property such as Color height are not selected for entity Student.

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