Types of networks according to Topology || Topology network

Types of networks according to Topology

Types of networks according to Topology




Topology :- In Computer network the topology is an an arrangement of devices or resources related  to the network. In different Shapes Shops for Computing or shares our resources. file Called Topology.

There Used are Saver topology in computer network.

i)                 Ring Topology

ii)                Bus Topology

iii)              Star topology

iv)              Mesh Topology

v)                Hybrid topology

vi)              Tree Topology

1. Ring Topology: - In computer network a ring topology different a set which is similar to circle or   ring. Where all possible node is connected to each other. In a ring topology each device has a dedicated point to point Connection with only the two devices on either side of width. In this topology signal is a past along a ring in one direction long device to device until is reached its destination. Each device a ring Corporate in Connector or repeater for regenerating a signal. In ring Topology band width of search network if not information because token passing System is followed by this Architecture these for send and forwarded technical Consume of lot of time for sharing data information from Source destination.

                            The main roll of this type of topology is based on direction because this topology. Is followed either clockwise anticlockwise direction or traveling one station to another.

Topology network Ring Topology

Advantage of ring topology

      I.  It forms a strong network.

              II.  Each on every node can share data with another node connected through a ring topology.

              III.   transmission rate of data is very speed.

              IV.  The data send through ring topology will be broadcast.

  Dis-advantage of ring topology

                          I.   It is very difficult task to add some new computer.

              II.  It we want to send data from then data will un-necessary passed to all nodes.

             III.   Single point of failure that means if a node goes down entire network goes down.

            IV.   It is very difficult to recover the ring topology if any particular machine is not working properly.

             V.  We can’t send private massages.

2. Bus Topology: A BUS topology is a multi-point connectivity of Computer system. In this network one long cable acts as a backbone to link all the devices in network. In this topology nodes are Connected to the bus Cable using multiport devices in a system It is deferent from RING topology because troubleshooting that is easier like add or destroying the node from this type of network. A drop line is a Connection running between the device and the main cable. If the main Cable is not working then all nodes are hot running at the Same time.

                  In BUS topology user want to add the Connection using the main cable then opposite direction when Computer are resources are Communicating Continually but simar direction of node are disconnected during joining of the system.

Bus Topology

Advantage of bus topology.

I. Easy to add/remove nodes in a network.

II. Required only cable.

III. It is less expensive

IV. It broadcast the massages to each device which are connected through the cable.

V. It is easy to maintain.

VI. In case of any computer failure, there will be no effect on other devices.

Dis-advantage of bus topology.

I. If cable is fail then the entire network will be failed.

II. The massages are broadcast so, we can’t send private massages.

III. It takes more time to pass the massages from one place to another places.

IV. The length of cable is limited.

V. In this topology data is transmitted only one direction.

3. STAR topology: -

=> We know that the topology based on Layout the Shape of given network there for Star topology is define a Shape like star Where each device has a dedicated Point to point link to the Centre Control know as HUB. The device are not Connect 0r link directly to another device because a Centrally unit is added between them.

                                                          The Control (HUB) as a exchange if one device wants to Send data to another, it's Sends data to the control first then after the controller Shared our data according to your reference to the destination point.

what is STAR topology

Important point for STAR topology 

1. It is less expensive compare to mesh topology.

2. It is easy to install & reconfigure in minimum amount.

3. It is robust. If one link fails there for only that link affected.

4. It is more popular network because a Century unit is used for Sharing the data and it is the cheapest network for installing all the devices in our organization.

Advantage of Star topology-

1. It broadcast the massages.

2. It is less expensive due to less cable.

3. Easy to connect new nodes without affecting rest of the network.

4. It one node failed, then it world not be failure of entire network.

Dis-Advantage of star topology-

1. It STAR topology we must required a network device like HUB, Switch etc.

2. If two nodes want to share the data, sharing is only possible through HUB.

3. If HUB is filed the entire network will be failed.

4. We can’t send private data.

3. MESH Topology: - In a mesh topology every device has a dedicated point to point link to every other device. In this topology we need n(n-1)/2 duplex mode for sharing the data. It is more expensive for Communicating number of devising each other.

what is MESH Topology

Important point about MESH Topology

1. The used of dedicated link. It is noted that each Connection Can Carry it on data there for       it eliminates that traffic problem that Can occur used in multiple devices in the MESH           topology.
2. A MESH topology is also robust in one link becomes unusable then home network is not      affected at Same movement because a number of physical cables are added to each other.
3. There is advantage of privacy or security.
4. In MESH topology all the divide are connected using number of wires their for traffic            ensues can be reasonable easily.


1. It is very good topology to send the private massages.
2. All nodes are directly associated with another node so, it provides point to point                    connection.
3. Un-like ring topology, if a particular machine is failed then entire network will not fail.
4. Multiple devices can send or receive data simultaneously.


1. It is very difficult to add some new node because each an vary computer directly connected with another one.
2. If a particular machine not working then, use can’t send or receive data from the failure machine.

4. Tree Topology: -

=> A Tree topology Combines Several Star topology by Connecting several Component to the Centralized node. The tree topology is the Combination of bus and star topology in which all possible notes are attach with the help of a single center node. 

                                            Every node in this sericite is Connected one to one in a hierarchical level each secondary node has point to point for sharing data from one to another.

                                                 If is implemented when a building user number of floors very each floor Can have a Network, User wants to Connect all the floors Situated in a building through single cable then tree topology is created.

Tree Topology

Hybrid topology: - 

=> A hybrid topology is a kind of network topology i.e., a combination of two or more network topology situated at the same place. The hybrid topology is the combinations of mesh, bus, ring, star.

 The hybrid topology is used in compass area network because each network is configured in decently by the means of either star, ring or bus but in campus area network all networks are attach to each other through a sing server then that network is said to be hybrid network or it follows the hybrid topology-based network.

Hybrid topology

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