visual basic in creating project


Creating project

Steps for building a VB application

Start ==================Visual Basic 6.0


 VB Templates/Project type

 (Standard Exe/Enterprise)

1. Draw the interface:-

       => Create the form and the virtual object on the form using toolbox.

2. Set the properties of object/controls:-

       => See the properties of the various objects on the form with the help of properties windows.

3. Write code/Event code:-

         => In the code windows, write the code associated with each object on the form and then run the application (using Run-F5)

Opening renaming and saving the project open project

  => Opens an existing or previously saved application (Application are called project) Go To file menu and choosing the open project command and select project and click on the open button. 

Rename the project: - Renaming the project to change the name of existing project and application.   Saving project: - saver the current application/project. This is same or going to the file menu and save project command and type the name of project or form and click on save button. 

 Running the project [ ] start: - The will execute the current application (or reuse a suspended Ove). It place you in going to run menu and selecting start or continue or pressing F5 Button. 

End the project [ ]: - This will end the current running application and return you to design mode. You can also do this by going to the run menu and selecting the end command.

Break the project: - This will pause the current application and help place you in Break mode. You can then test the program, using the debugging tools to see if at working currently. You can also do this by going to the run menu and selecting the break command. To resume the application click on the continue (or start) Button.

Visual Component Manager: - This help our advanced user to organized and sort their studio project better. 

Visual Development and Event Drive Program

Event Drive Programming: - Visual Basic is an event driven programming language this means that user executes on events. Procedure such or clicking a button to run a part of the code. 

Event driven do not have a predefined path in the execution of the code. VB is governed by an event is deleted. Once an event is deleted the code cross ponding to the (Event Procedure) is executed. Program control is then refund to the event program or procedure. The event are listed for each object in the procedure drop-down list box in the code windows. You can write an event procedure for any of these events and if that event accrues in the program, VB helps execute the events procedure that is associated which it. Halfway posting of the occasions for text box object are displayed underneath.







Drag drop

Drag over

Got focus

Key Down

Key Prier

Key up

Link close

Link Error

Link Entity


                        Example of Events-

Change=> The client changes the text in a text box or combo box.

Click => The user clicks object with the primary mouse button.

dBlclick=> The user dblclick on object with the primary mouse button.

Drag Drop=> The client hauls a control to another area.

Drag Over=> An item is hauled over a control.

Got Focus=> An object receive the focus.

Key Down=> A key is pressed while an object has the focus.

Key up=> A key is represent while an object has the focus.

Lost Focus=> The center has left an article.

Mouse Down=> A mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over an object.

Mouse Move=> The mouse curser is moved over an object.

Mouse up=> A mouse button is release while the mouse pointer is over an object.

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