What is Comment line in c

 What is Comment line in c.

What is Comment line in c


In the C Programming Language, you can put remarks in your source code that are not executed as a feature of the program.

Remarks give lucidity to the C source code permitting others to all the more likely comprehend what the code was planned to achieve and enormously helping in troubleshooting the code. Remarks are particularly significant in huge ventures containing hundreds or thousands of lines of source code or in projects in which numerous benefactors are chipping away at the source code.

·     A remark begins with a slice bullet/* and closes with a reference mark cut */and can be anyplace in your program. Remarks can traverse a few lines inside your C program. Remarks are ordinarily added straight over the connected C source code.

     Comment Line*

1. /* Statement */(Multiline comment)

Ex:-  /* 1

             1 2

             1 2 3 */

ii.  // Statement (Single comment)

Ex:- // It is my first Program.

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