What is Mode of Transmission

What is Mode of Transmission

What is Mode of Transmission

 • What is mode of Transmission?

=>  In computer network the data transmission mode describe how two devices in network communicate or exchange the data it specifies the direction in which signals travel over one end of communication to another communication.

There are 3 types of transmission mode: - 

1. Simplex

2. Half duplex

3. Full duplex

1. What is simplex mode: - it is the one way or indirection it is allow communication signal travel in only one directional. The sender device uses the into communication channel or receive only signal from another end.

In this transmission mode receiver’s device only receive the massage but can’t reply the any kind of information to the sender due to lack of wires between 2 nodes.

The best example of simplex mode of transmission is keyboard, monitor, printer etc. these resources only send or receive information not vice versa.

What is simplex mode

2. Half Duplex Mode :- It allows communication in both direction but not a same time. Signal travel in both direction over a medium but in one direction only at a time. 

 In half duplex data transmission mode helps our network to send our information to the receiver node but on that time, receiver only receive the massage but later receiver also send reply to the sender but the communication of duplex transmission. It creates two wires between both nodes but at the same time one & only one wire is active.

What is Half Duplex Mode

The best example half duplex wocky tocky. This device follows a property when sender sends our information on that time receive only. After receiving that information replay ex knowledge to the sender for their conference.

3. Full Duplex: - The full duplex is called two ways bidirectional it’s allowed communication in both directions simultaneously its diabetes the available channel into two part and uses one path to send data and other path to receive data. 

In full duplex communication there are for communication channel use between the give resources is allotted the receive node and another two channel is allotted to the sender node in this communication receiver receive information & also send the information at the same time.

What is Full Duplex

The best ex of full duplex is tell communication serves.

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