What is Transmission media, what is communication

what is twisted pair cable, what is communication

   Communication channel/Transmission media

*What is communication channel?

=> In computer network communication channel helps our system for sharing user data from one end to another. It is also called transmission idea because the transmission channel is classified into physical & local where phical transmission media is named as guided and logical media is named as unguided media.

                                                            The transmission media can be divided into two parts guided media or unguided media. In guided media the signal the phical or the transmitted according to it’s category.

 What is Transmission Media?

ð Transmission media is a communication channel that information from the sender to the receiver. Data is transmitted through the electromagnetic signals. The main functionality o9f the transmission media is to carry the information in the form of bits through LAN (Local area network). It is fibre-based network, the bits in the form of light pulse.

Transmission media

    What is Guided media

=> In computer network the guided media is a kinds of physical communication channel             where network cable is used for stablish the cable between two system. 

                                                            The guided media in computer network uses twisted              pair, co-axial cable and optical fiber for configure through wired.

1. What is Twisted pair cable: -

=>These are guided the guided media twisted media have two conductor that are generally made up proper and each conductor has insulation.

                                                    one of the conductor use of the carry the signal and other use and ground reference only. The twisted pair can be figure.

Twisted pair cable

There are two type of twisted pair cable

A. unshielded to twisted pair cable

B. Shielded to stand twisted pair cable.

What is Unshielded twisted pair cable

A. What is Unshielded twisted pair cable:- 

=> These are a pair of two insulated copper wire twisted without any other insulation or sliding (cover) outer face of the wires. Them reduces external inter face due to the prestation of insulation.

                                                 Unsiled to pair cable are arrange to pair show that we can add a new connection when ever required. 

• Advantage of unshielded twisted pair

1. These cables are cost effective and easy to install due to the correction of compact size.

2. They are generally use for Shor distance transmission of both voice and data.

3. Data is less costly as compare to other types of cable.

• Disadvantage of Shielded twisted pair

1. The connection stablishes using unsiled twisted pair is not secure.

2. They are efficient only for a distance up to hundred meters.

3. These cables have limited band bit birth.

What is Shielded twisted pair

B. What is Shielded twisted pair

=> This type of cable have extract insulation or protective covering over the conductor in the from of copper wires. This covering provide stanth two the overall structure of the table. It reduces noise and signal interface in the signal can be reached from one end to another is the proper communication from one place to another.

• Advantage of shielded twisted pair

1. There are generally use for long for communication and transmission in our network.

2. They are hired band wraith as compered as unshielded twisted pair.

3. It optimization and error or different kinds data loser due to their protective properties.

• Disadvantage of shielded twisted pair 

1. These cables are very expensive there require a lot of maintenance which increases of cost more.

2. These can be installing underground only the length of segment in unshielded twisted pair and shielded twisted pair are similar. 

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